Parish Website
Hacheston United Charities:
Chair of the Trustees:
Secretary to the Trustees: Michael Dawe, 01728 746 441. Use the contact form below to contact Michael Dawe.
This Charity helps people in need and manages the allotments which villagers can rent for vegetable growing.
Hacheston Village Hall Committee:
Chair: Malcolm Robinson
Booking Secretary: Lizi Reynolds, Mobile 07772 354 492
More information about the Village Hall can be found on Halls Hire here.
Facebook Page
The Parochial Church Council:
Secretary: Michael Dawe
Use the contact form below to contact Michael Dawe.
The PCC looks after the affairs of the Church.
Visit the Hacheston All Saints Church Website.
See information on this website about the Church.
The Corrance Trust
The Corrance School Trust is registered with the Charity Commission, Charity No 1014386 and it was constituted by a Declaration of Trust on 6 January 1992. The Trust's funds came from the sale of Parham School which closed in 1986. This Church of England School was set up in 1872 by Frederick Corrance, Esq. of Parham Hall. In recognition of this the Diocese gave a proportion of the proceeds of the sale of the school for the educational and religious benefit of young people in the villages of Parham and Hacheston.
The money is kept as a permanent endowment and only the interest is used to carry out the objects of the Trust.
Grant applications cover books for colleges and universities, ballet and dancing lessons, school trips at home and abroad and music tours to name a few expenses eligible.
Click here for an Application Form alternatively ring Sue Paul on 723670 or via e-mail