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Additional Response from Sizewell Rep to Open Evening Queries

2 October 2023

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Please see the following from Sizewell Reps who attended our recent open meeting.

We would like to thank them for providing this extra information. 


Following our meeting on Friday 22nd September 2023, I have attached some links for the documents that we discussed during our panel session.

 The documents will provide information regarding some of the questions that were outstanding.

Regarding the question of operating hours, I would like to clarify that I did not decline to answer but was keen to ensure the information that was being offered was clear and correct.

The extract below is from The Southern Park and Ride Description of Development [Final] SZC Southern Park and Ride Description of Development (planninginspectorate.gov.uk)

Code of Construction Practice – Construction Working Hours extract as follows.

Construction activities must be limited as follows:

• Monday to Saturday to between the hours of 07:00 and 19:00 hours for all offsite associated developments.

• Where possible, noisy works must be avoided on Saturday afternoons between 13:00 and 19:00 hours.

• Working on Sundays or bank holidays is not expected and must not be undertaken without prior notification to East Suffolk Council (ESC).

• Some activities may require 24 hours working and where this is the case, ESC must be notified in advance, including details of any noise control measures that may be necessary.

The Site Operations Team in conjunction with the Transport Co-ordinator will develop the guidance to encourage workers to take appropriate routes are directed to use the A14/A12 route, however those residing in the B1078 corridor will take the most direct route to reach the park and ride facilities.

The Construction Worker Travel Plan shares full details of the plans, including the facilities at the park and rides and enforcement.

The Consolidated Transport Assessment details the modelled impact on local roads

EN010012-001776-SZC_Bk5_5.13_Community_Impact_Report.pdf (planninginspectorate.gov.uk) Provides detailed analysis of predictions.