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Emergency Accommodation & Assistance

21 October 2023

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Anyone affected by the flooding and needs emergency housing can call East Suffolk Council's Out of Hours service for urgent enquiries at: 0800 440 2516

East Suffolk Council has now set up an emergency operations base at the Framlingham Town Council Office on 10c Church Street.

If you would like to make a donation to support local emergency relief these can be left at the Town Council office. If you need emergency assistance please email townclerk@framlingham.com or hachestonparishclerk@gmail.com 

For updates, please go to: https://www.framlingham.com/news

For flood advice and information go to: https://www.suffolk.gov.uk/roads-and-transport/flooding-and-drainage/flood-management-in-suffolk

Thank you to everyone out sweeping and cleaning up  shingle and silt from  The Street this morning. We appreciate your help and are so proud of how the village has pulled together in this emergency.