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Hedges, trees and pavements

20 September 2023

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Hedges and over hanging trees

It has become quite noticeable when walking along the foot path along side the B1116 in Hacheston that a number of house holders are allowing their hedges to grow beyond their boundary line and obstructing the path.

Property owners are obliged to maintain their hedges and trees to their boundary line. It is not enough to cut back to the boundary only after the hedge has grown over the footpath. As soon as any part of the hedge has grown beyond the boundary the property owner has failed to meet their obligation. Hedges with thorns protruding also open up the possibility of court proceedings for personal injury claims.

Thank you to all those who regularly maintain their hedges, and also to  those who have cut their hedges and trees back since the Parish Council delivered flyers on this problem at the beginning of the month. Your support is appreciated by the many people who use the village pavements.