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News from the Parish Council

26 January 2023

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The year has started well for the Parish Council. We are now in the process of finalising our 2022 external audit and preparations for the current year’s audits are also underway. We had a productive meeting in January and are looking at several ways the Parish Council can be modernised.

We hope to soon have online banking and our new village website has been well received.  Please let us know if you have any village news or events that you would like sharing on the website; we would like it to become a useful resource for the whole village.

We are also compiling a digital mailing list which we hope will allow more effective two-way communication with residents. We will use this to share news, important updates, local road closures etc. Each house will be hand-delivered a flyer about this over the coming weeks and there are also links to join the list directly from the ‘Newsletter’ tab of our website.  Your details won’t be passed on and you can unsubscribe at any point.