Parish Website
We are pleased to report that Hacheston Parish Council had a productive meeting last night.
The Council has agreed to purchase three new solar-powered Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs), similar to those used in Wickham Market. These devices will be paired with additional brackets, allowing them to be rotated more easily between the five SID locations in the village.
In the new year, the Council will write to residents with updates and ask for volunteers to support various community projects. We are looking to revive the Community Speed Watch scheme in the village and we currently have three of the six required volunteers.
As part of the East Suffolk in Bloom initiative, we will be having a bulb-planting work party on Sunday, December 8. Residents are invited to meet at 11am at the Village Hall car park and join us in beautifying village verges. The bulbs include a ‘Bees Mix’ which flower from February to May and includes crocuses, chionodoxas, scillas, muscaris and naturalising tulips, and a ‘Butterfly Mix’ which flowers between May and July which comprises camassias, nectaroscordums, irises and alliums.
Residents are encouraged to sign up to our digital mailing list, which provides an easy way to stay informed and engaged. Increasing the number of subscribers will help us to improve communication across the village. If you would like to sign up, please email the clerk:
Suffolk County Council has cleaned village drains this week, but unfortunately we have since seen flooding in some areas along The Street. This issue has been reported through SCC's online portal, which residents can also use to report highways defects or problems:
Minutes from our meetings can be found here.