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Chair's Report July 2023

28 July 2023

Thank you to our new Chair for this wonderful report, keeping residents updated as to what is happening with the Parish Council:

Read more on Chair's Report July 2023

Multi-Agency Open Meeting

20 July 2023

Please be assured that we have not forgotten the multi-agency meeting discussed at the AGM. We are looking forward to welcoming representatives from different organisations such as Suffolk County Council, East Suffolk Council, the Community Partnership and Sizewell C to raise and discuss village issues that are affecting YOU. 

Read more on Multi-Agency Open Meeting

Latest Village News

12 July 2023

Please click here to read July's edition of Slice of Suffolk. 

Read more on Latest Village News

Next Council Meeting

16 June 2023

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday 26th July at 7.30 in the meeting room at the Village Hall. 

Read more on Next Council Meeting

What's your Digital Footprint?

10 June 2023

Every time you use visit a website, send or receive a message or email, buy or book anything online, comment on a post, upload a photo or find directions on your phone, you’re adding to your digital footprint. When you stream music, make a video call or use a smart speaker, that adds to your digital footprint too.

Read more on What's your Digital Footprint?

Latest Parish Magazine

2 June 2023

Please click here to read June's edition of Slice of Suffolk. 

Read more on Latest Parish Magazine

Please come to our Annual Parish Meeting - this Friday

8 May 2023

You are invited to Hacheston's Annual Parish Meeting from 7.30pm on Friday, to hear reports from village groups and raise items you would like the Parish Council to discuss at future meetings. 

We would also like to hear your ideas of how we could spend CIL money that we've received from recent development in the village. Would you be in favour of an outdoor gym near the playing equipment? Would you use an outside table tennis table? Have you any other projects you would like to see happen in Hacheston? Please let us know either at the meeting or by replying to this email.

We will be providing nibbles at the Parish Meeting- with vegan and gluten-free options available. We hope that our newly elected green Ward Councillor, Sally Noble, will be able to attend and we invite you to come along and meet her and hear her ideas. The bar will be open after the meeting and you are all most welcome to join us for a drink or two and chat informally with your Parish Councillors and parish clerk. 

If you would like to be co-opted as a Councillor, please get in touch or come to our next Parish Council meeting on Friday at 7pm (before the Parish Meeting). We would love to hear from you and to fill our vacancies. It is not a big role as we only normally meet 6 times a year. With 3 vacancies on the Parish Council and a newly elected Ward Councillor, it's an interesting time to get more involved in the village and help shape its future. 

Read more on Please come to our Annual Parish Meeting - this Friday

Ward Councillor Election

8 May 2023

Please click here to view the results of the Ward Council elections on 4th May.

Read more on Ward Councillor Election

Latest Parish Newsletter

26 April 2023

Please click here to read May's edition of Slice of Suffolk 

Read more on Latest Parish Newsletter