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Next Parish Council Meeting- Change of Date

7 February 2023

Our next meeting will now be held on Wednesday 22nd March at 7.30pm
Residents are welcome to attend. 

Read more on Next Parish Council Meeting- Change of Date

Would you like to Join our Village Emailing List?

27 January 2023

If you would like to join our mailing list to receive village-related news, information and events that we hope will be of interest please email your name, house name/number and email address to hachestonparishclerk@gmail.com or print the form below and pop it in the Parish Council letter box at the Village Hall.

Read more on Would you like to Join our Village Emailing List?

News from the Parish Council

26 January 2023

The year has started well for the Parish Council. We are now in the process of finalising our 2022 external audit and preparations for the current year’s audits are also underway. We had a productive meeting in January and are looking at several ways the Parish Council can be modernised.

Read more on News from the Parish Council

Could you be a Parish Councillor?

26 January 2023

If you are passionate about your local area and interested in making a difference, then being a Parish Councillor could be the ideal position for you. 

Read more on Could you be a Parish Councillor?

Oh Crumbs!

19 January 2023

Did you know that over 20 million slices of bread are wasted every day across the UK and that bread is the most wasted food item by Suffolk residents?

Read more on Oh Crumbs!

New Parish Clerk

8 January 2023

Lydia Kirk joined us as the Parish Clerk in November. Lydia is the clerk for 3 other local parish councils and is also the new Deputy Town Clerk at Fram so she has brought a wealth of experience with her and has settled in well to the job.

Read more on New Parish Clerk

Happy New Year to all our Residents

4 January 2023

The Parish Council next meets on Wednesday 25th January at 7.30pm in the Meeting Room at the Village Hall. We will be discussing the next budget and precept amongst other items. You are welcome to come and join us. 

Read more on Happy New Year to all our Residents

Improving Air Quality in the Home

12 December 2022

Please click here to read a poster provided by East Suffolk Council on improving air quality in the home. 

Read more on Improving Air Quality in the Home